Difficulty in designing pipeline of concept work
(株式会社ポリゴン・ピクチュアズ / スタジオフォンズ)
(Polygon Pictures Inc. / Studio Phones)
This document has been redacted based on post-seminar discussions. We plan to add more content and make further revisions based on the situation of future seminars.
translated by PPI Translation Team
Before production begins, a process known as pre-production generally takes place. Pre-production is the stage in which the project is designed through planning, story development, concept art, various settings, character design, and color scripts.
Given that all of the designing mentioned above will become the foundation for carrying out production, the asset data and accompanying meta information created during pre-production will need to be managed in the same way as during the actual production. As multiple artists will be involved during pre-production, a pipeline system which allows for them to work on their tasks smoothly would be essential.
However, the pre-production stage differs from production in the sense that there are many factors that are uncertain to begin with, which is why various trial-and-errors would be executed frequently as team members work collaboratively towards establishing the design. Given that time is limited, how often the iterations can be accomplished is a crucial point for the artists. For this reason, a workflow which enables the artists to concentrate as much as possible on their tasks becomes necessary. Ultimately, this may become one of the factors that ends up affecting the quality of the project itself.
The standard video production workflow follows the waterfall model or another design approach similar to it. The pipeline system cultivated through this production workflow would prove difficult to implement onto the pre-production stage as the characteristics of the two workflows greatly differ.
Hence, a more agile workflow is required for pre-production, and the construction of a pipeline system specifically catered to it is imperative.
■Pre-production workflow

Shown below is the standard pre-production workflow:

Pre-production begins with staged story development. Through numerous trial-and-errors, the developed story is molded into a scenario or script. In addition, the more the story is developed, the more other tasks such as creating concept art, designs, and color scripts can move forward.
While the work above is in progress, the output is continuously brushed up through various iterations. At times, this results in entire assets being omitted and having to be redesigned from scratch.
In this manner, trial-and-errors are repeated during pre-production until the packaged data to be delivered to production is finalized. Therefore, through proper management of the colossal amount of information and scattered data, the work would be able to be done in a more efficient manner. On the other hand, when there is no proper management, it becomes unclear which data was selected for the finalized package, and whether or not that data had already been approved by the director. This confusion will end up negatively impacting the process which follows; production.
When there is no pipeline or system established, the management of this previously mentioned data would become dependant on the individual. Therefore, it can be predicted in certain cases that the task of data management itself would end up becoming the bottleneck within the workflow.
■Example of A pipeline system for pre-production